We will be running several coaching sessions on Wednesday/Thursday December 27th & 28th (school Christmas holidays) for both the U12 & U14 boy’s age-groups.
Details are:
Wednesday/Thursday December 27th & 28th - U12 coaching clinic
€25.00 (covers the two sessions)
North County CC
Wednesday/Thursday December 27th & 28th - U14 coaching clinic
€25.00 (covers the two sessions)
North County CC
Places on both of these coaching clinics will be limited to 26 so please confirm names by Wednesday, December 20th latest.
Coaches include Fintan McAllister, Brian O’Rourke, Tom Anders, Eddie Richardson & Stephen Doheny.
We are also running the following on both days:
Wednesday/Thursday December 27th & 28th - Wicketkeeping Clinic (Fintan McAllister)
€20.00 (covers the two sessions)
North County CC
Open to all interested wicketkeepers.
Further school holiday coaching clinics for these age-groups will take place on January 3rd/4th & February 15th/16th 2018.
To confirm attendance on any of the above Leinster-run coaching sessions please e-mail brian.orourke@cricketireland.ie