All queries for this particular course please contact Stephen Maxwell in Cricket Ireland:

Introduction to Coaching - for Transition Year students in Corduff Sports Centre, Dublin
January 21st, 9.30am - 11.45am
Register here:
Coaching Kids 5-11 years course in Castleknock College
February 23rd 9.30am - 3.30pm
Register here:
Coaching Cricket course in Castleknock College
March 1st 9.30am - 4pm & 2nd 10am - 1.30am
Register here:
Our Development Officers will be working with schools and the LSPs to run teacher education across Leinster. We are also arranging a Table Cricket Leaders Course for coaching table cricket and adapted cricket games to kids with disabilities.
All queries for the Level 2/Core Coaching course should please contact Stephen Maxwell in Cricket Ireland:
Social Media
Leinster Coaches Association (LeinsterCA)
Twitter: @LeinsterCA
Facebook: Leinster Coaches Association
For more information about any coaching courses or any queries not answered in this section please email or

Q: Garda Vetting: Who Needs to be Vetted
A: Any person who is carrying out work or activity, a necessary and regular part of which consists mainly of the person having access to, or contact with, children or vulnerable adults.
What this means is that anyone in your club who has regular and ongoing contact with children and therefore the opportunity to build up a relationship of trust with a child must be vetted. Top of this group are the coaches and assistant coaches, but also your club children’s officer, designated person, youth team managers and the captains of adult teams on which underage children regularly play. Ongoing and regular is not defined in the Act but the Cricket Ireland Child Safeguarding Manual has defined it as once a week or more, four times a month or more and overnight.
Q: How do I join the Leinster Coaches Association?
A: To become a member of the LeinsterCA you must become a Cricket Ireland Coaches Association (CICA) member. This is €45 for 2019 (this includes a €1 processing fee) and will give you insurance as well as discounts to some events/courses. For more information on how to join, and the other benefits, please go to the Get Involved section on the Cricket Ireland website:
Q: I have formed a Ltd company for my coaching activities. Is the company insured under the Cricket Ireland Coaches' Association scheme?
A: No, companies cannot join Cricket Ireland Coaches' Association Scheme therefore the insurance package will not apply.
Q: I sometimes have parents and other club members assisting me with coaching. Are they covered under my insurance?
A: No, cover is only extended to coaches who are members of the Cricket Ireland Coaches' Association.
Q: What am I Insured for when I am a member of the LeinsterCA?
A: You are insured for a wide range of cover, including the following:
- Third party bodily injury or property damage arising from their activities as a coach up to a limit of liability €11,700,000;
- Third party financial loss as a result of wrongful (coaching) advice up to a limit of liability of €5,850,000;
- Accidental death or permanent total disablement, plus loss of limb, hearing etc. as per the schedule of benefits, as a result of an incident that occurs whilst coaching, preparing for coaching, or travelling to and from the place of coaching, for a benefit of €29,250; and
- Loss of wages whilst temporarily totally disabled up to a limit of €117 per week for 52 weeks. Benefit is payable after the first 14 days of injury.
Q: What do I do if I receive a solicitor's letter alleging that I was responsible for an injury caused during a coaching session?
A: Forward the letter without delay to Aston Scott Ltd. The letter must not be answered and it is advisable to ring first to confirm that the letter is on its way. Contact details can be found on: .
Q: What do I do if someone is injured during a coaching session?
A: Report the matter to Aston Scott Ltd immediately who will send you an accident report form to complete. Contact details can be found on their website at
Q: When I join the Cricket Ireland Coaches' Association at what stage is my insurance effective?
A: When your application together with payment is received by Cricket Ireland.
Q: What benefits do I get, other than insurance, with my CICA Membership?
A: Discounts:
- 20% discount on any O’Neills CICA clothing or equipment
- 20% discount on tickets to International cricket matches in Ireland
- 15% discount on CICA conference and workshop fees
Q: What do I need to apply for CICA Insurance?
A: To ensure your CI Coaching Insurance is valid and that you are covered you must:
- Hold a current Police Check (Access NI/Garda Vetting/CRB) that must be valid prior to joining and you must have been cleared to work with children; and
- Have completed a Cricket Ireland coaching course (e.g. Welcome to Coaching, prior to 2019; Coaching Kids 5-11 years or Coaching Cricket, 2019 onwards), an ICC ‘Introduction to Cricket’ Course, or hold any qualification from ECB Level One (or equivalent) and above.

Links for Equipment