
Terms & Conditions

Cricket Leinster's official terms and conditions that covers registration, GDPR and data protection

Strategic Plan

 The Cricket Leinster Strategic Plan 2019-2021

Accreditation - Club Accreditation Mark (“CL ClubGrade”) Process Document 2019

Detailed explanation of Cricket Leinster's ClubGrade process

Cricket Leinster League Structure 2020 onwards

The confirmed structures for all Cricket Leinster Open Competitions from the year 2020 onwards.

Accreditation - Process of a new club application

Accreditation - Process of a new club application

Meeting umpiring capacity - Dec 2021

This initiative is aimed at recognising those clubs whose members are active umpires and incentivising clubs to ensure they provide umpires from their membership.

Cricket Leinster Child Safeguarding Statement 2022

Approved 08/02/2022

LCU Constitution - Memorandum and Articles - approved 16062022

LCU Constitution - Memorandum and Articles - approved 16062022

CL Child Safeguarding Checklist (2023)

Notice of AGM 2023

CL Autumn GM Notice 2023

Cricket Leinster Company Management Regulations - Issued 29.09.2022

Cricket Leinster Company Management Regulations - Issued 29.09.2022


This document summarises the grounds & facilities capabilities which must be in-place when competing at the various levels of adult competition within Leinster 

LCU CLG - AGM Notice 2024
